Yogurt Good For Diabetics

yogurt for diabetics

The unsweetened and low fat yogurt is an ideal option of yogurt good for diabetics. New research shows that yogurt consumption can be associated with lower levels of glucose and insulin resistance, and also lower systolic blood pressure. Additionally, an analysis of 13 recent studies published in the journal of nutrition, concluded that yogurt consumption, as a part … Read more

Ozempic face

Celebrated drug Ozempic has a good tendency to cause a loss of fat from face and in some people it results in an aged and wrinkled appearance, known as ‘Ozempic face’. Ozempic is a Semaglutide medicine prescribed to help control blood sugar levels in patients of type 2 diabetes. This medicine induces weight loss along with … Read more

How to Choose Healthy Yogurt?

Healthy Yogurt

Yogurt has been considered a healthy food for ages. However, a healthy yogurt can be highly affected by certain additions like sugar, flavorings and many more. A huge variety of yogurt are available in market and it becomes highly confusing to pick the ideal healthy yogurt out of all. This article presents a detailed guide … Read more

Weight Loss with Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a thick, creamy yogurt with a tart taste. It contains higher amounts of protein and less carbohydrates than regular yogurt. “Weight Loss with Greek Yogurt” is becoming so popular because of these two major properties. What is Greek Yogurt? Greek yogurt has been a part of Mediterranean diet and is made of … Read more

Weight loss drugs cause Immense Hair Loss

Celebrated weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy are causing immense hair fall, as reported by a number of people across America who were so excited to use these weight loss drugs for easy shedding of pounds. Weight loss drugs and reported hair loss An American TikToker who lost 60lbs with Ozempic, reported that she lost … Read more

Chia Seeds For Weight Loss

The small and modest Chia seeds may not seem like a nutritious food at first sight, but they are actually incredibly rich in nutrients. The nutrient rich chia seeds may promote heart health, support strong bones, improve blood sugar levels & aid in weight loss. Chia seeds are most commonly consumed worldwide for their weight … Read more

Fasting could reduce risk of Type 2 Diabetes


Fasting diet affects the metabolic processes in your body that may work to decrease inflammation, as well as help to improve blood sugar regulation and physical stress response. Some research shows that it may also improve conditions associated with inflammation like arthritis, asthma and multiple sclerosis. A fasting diet that involves eating early in day … Read more