Fasting diet affects the metabolic processes in your body that may work to decrease inflammation, as well as help to improve blood sugar regulation and physical stress response. Some research shows that it may also improve conditions associated with inflammation like arthritis, asthma and multiple sclerosis.
A fasting diet that involves eating early in day might be the key to lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that involves switching between fasting and eating on a regular schedule. It has gained considerable popularity as an alternative to calorie restriction diet. However, few trials have considered applying meal timing during the ‘fasting’ day, would be a better option.
Novel Intermittent Fasting Diet
A new study has developed a novel intermittent fasting diet which involves early time-restricted eating (iTRE) approach.
Researchers from the University of Adelaide and South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) compared two different diets: a time restricted, intermittent fasting diet and a reduced calorie diet to see which one was more effective for people who were prone to developing type 2 diabetes.
“Following a time restricted, intermittent fasting diet could help lower the chances of developing type 2 diabetes,” said Professor Leonie Heilbronn, Adelaide Medical School.
People who fasted thrice a week and only ate between 8am and 12pm on the fast days, showed a higher tolerance to glucose after 6 months than those on a daily, low-calorie diet.
Participants who followed the intermittent fasting diet were found to be more sensitive to insulin. They also experienced a higher reduction in blood lipids than those on the low-calorie diet.
It’s estimated that nearly 60 per cent of type 2 diabetes cases could be delayed or prevented with changes to diet and lifestyle.
For this study, more than 200 participants were recruited from South Australia. The duration of the study was 18-months. It was published in scientific journal, Nature Medicine.
Participants on both the time restricted, intermittent fasting diet and the low-calorie diet experienced same amount of weight loss.
“This is the largest study in the world till date and the first one which is powered to assess how the body processes and uses glucose after a meal, which is a better indicator of diabetes risk than a fast test,” said first author Xiao Tong Teong, a PhD student at the University of Adelaide.
“The results of this study add to the growing body of evidence to indicate that meal timing during fast diet extends the health benefits of a restricted calorie diet, independently from weight loss, and this may be influential in clinical practice.”
Further research is needed to investigate if similar benefits are experienced with a slightly longer eating window, which could make the diet more sustainable in the long term.
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