Vegan D3

Vegan D3 is something all vegans are highly looking for. Although a well-planned vegan diet can be a healthy one & ofcourse cruelty & guilt free, you must take care to get all the vitamins and minerals you need. 

Which vegan vitamin D supplement is best?

Vitamin D is rarely found in unfortified plant-based foods, so a vegan needs to take it from supplements. Now the next concern is to look for a real vegan D3, else what’s the use of turning into a vegan if you still play part in animal cruelty products.

It’s really important to choose a vegan vitamin D supplement since the standard vitamin D supplements often aren’t vegan for various reasons.

If you’re looking for a quality vegan D3 supplement, Deva vegan D3 is an excellent choice & it is a high-strength option too.

What to know before you buy a vegan D3 supplement ?

D2 vs. D3

There are two types of vitamin D: vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3(cholecalciferol).

The vitamin D2 is always vegan, while vitamin D3 most of the times isn’t vegan, as it’s derived from lanolin extracted from sheep’s wool. However, in recent years, new methods for extracting vitamin D3 from lichen and algae have emerged, so it has thankfully become feasible to have vegan D3 supplements.

Still, you shouldn’t assume any D3 supplement as vegan unless it’s explicitly stated. D3 is generally seen as the better supplement option, as it’s more biologically active which means that it has more bioavailability and is thus more effective at maintaining decent levels of vitamin D in the body. 

Supplement type

There are a range of types or formulations of vegan vitamin D supplements. Tablets and capsules are the most common type. However, there are liquids, nasal sprays, sublingual sprays and gummies, which give plenty of options for people who don’t like swallowing tablets or capsules.

If you have turned vegan to stop playing part in animal cruelty then remember that a vegan supplement in capsule or gummy form should use plant alternatives to animal gelatin.


The recommended daily intake value(RDI) of vitamin D for children over 12 months and most adults is 600 IU, but you can tolerate more than this amount, so it makes sense to take a slightly higher dose, especially if your current vitamin D levels are low or you live somewhere that is often overcast. Moreover, you should always take it a little more than the recommended daily intake since 100% absorption does not take place.

Most of the vitamin D supplements contain 1,000-3,000 IU, which is safe to take daily. You shouldn’t regularly take more than 4,000 IU of supplement per day, because excessive vitamin D consumption can also cause serious issues. 

What to look for in a quality vegan D3 supplement ?


This is quite rare though, however you can find some vegan vitamin D supplements that are USDA certified organic, which is important to some buyers.

Pack size

Most vitamin D supplements contain about 30-180 tablets, capsules or gummies. The liquid formulas are measured in milliliters & they come with an indication of how many doses the pack contains.


This is something worth checking. Checking dosage can make a difference to the value for the money. e.g. If a pack contains 60 tablets, you might assume it will last for 60 days, but if the dosage is two tablets, it will last only 30 days.

How much does a vegan D3 supplement cost?

The cost will be around $5-$30 for a vegan vitamin D3 supplement, depending on factors like pack size, the type of vitamin D used & the formulation of the supplement.

What’s the best vegan D3 supplement to buy?

Top vegan vitamin D3 supplement

Vegan D3

Deva vegan D3

This high-dose, vegan D3 is perfect for people who live in areas that don’t get a good amount of sun or who need to top up low levels.

Each tablet contains 5,000 IU of vegan D3. It’s free from common allergens like gluten & soy. With 90 in a pack, it’s a 3 months supplement for one person.

What you should consider: The dosage of this supplement is higher than some people need. However, that can be taken care of by taking it once in 3-4 days or according to your requirement.

Top vegan vitamin D supplement in terms of money

Vegan D3

Doctor’s best veganD3

This easy to afford vitamin D3 is great if you don’t want to spend too much in one go.

Each capsule contains a respectable 2,500 IU vegan D3. The capsules are easy to swallow with no aftertaste. 

Herbaland VeganD3 & B12 gummies

Vegan D3

D3 gummies are really handy for kids or adults who like to take their vitamins in gummy form.

You get 90 gummies in one pack, each containing 1,000 IU of vegan D3. They also contain vitamin B12, which is also another vitamin that vegans should supplement since it isn’t found in unfortified plant foods. 

Vegan vitamin D supplement  FAQ

What are the signs of low vitamin D?

A vitamin D deficiency can give a range of unpleasant signs & symptoms, but these aren’t always so obvious. Since vitamin D is important for a healthy immune system, people lacking vitamin D have a weakened immunity & they suffer more from infections. Other signs of vitamin D deficiency may include constant fatigue, low mood, bone pain, muscle pain, slow wound healing & hair loss. If you think you might have a vitamin D deficiency, consult your physician, as you might need high-dosage vitamin D supplements for a short period to boost your levels. However, high dosage supplements shouldn’t be taken without a test.

Where does vegan D3 come from? 

Most commercially available D3 is made using lanolin from sheep’s wool, but because of the increase in vegan lifestyle in recent years, vegan versions of vitamin D3 have become easier to find. The vegan versions of D3 are made from either algae or lichen — a composite organism which comes from a symbiotic partnership between fungi and algae or cyanobacteria.

My name is Amanpreet Kaur Samra. M.S. Biochemistry. I'm the founder and writer of this blog. I have been teaching Biochemistry for a good number of years. I started this blog because I have always been very passionate about writing, in particular about Nutrition and Healthy Weight Loss.

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