Magnesium prevents Dementia


Ensuring a required intake of magnesium may help lower the risk of dementia. Taking adequate amount of magnesium on a daily basis ensures a strong & healthy brain particularly as we age.

Study on Magnesium and Dementia

A study was conducted to know the effects of magnesium intake on brain function. It involved 6,000 cognitively healthy participants in the United Kingdom between ages 40 to 73 years old. Researchers discovered that people who consume more than 550 mg of magnesium daily show a brain age approximately one year younger by the time they reach the age of 55 in comparison to a person with a normal magnesium intake of roughly 350 mg a day.

This study showed that a 41% increase in magnesium intake could lead to decreased age-related brain shrinkage, which is associated with better cognitive function & lower risk or delayed onset of dementia in later life. This research proves the potential benefits of a diet high in magnesium & the role it plays in promoting good brain health.

With the current scenario, it is estimated that the number of people globally, who will be diagnosed with dementia in future is estimated to more than double over the next few decades; from 57.4 million in 2019 to 152.8 million by 2050. If this forecast proves true, it would place a huge strain on health & social services, as well as the global economy.

Currently there is no cure available for dementia & the development of pharmacological treatments have been unsuccessful for the past 30  years. Considering this, greater attention should be directed towards prevention.

Research studies like these tell the importance & need of development of public health interventions aimed at promoting healthy brain aging through dietary strategies.

Start young with magnesium to avoid dementia

The authors of this study stated that, starting with a higher intake of magnesium in one’s diet at a young age may safeguard against both neurodegenerative diseases & cognitive decline by the time we reach middle-age.

The study shows adequate dietary magnesium intake may contribute to neuroprotection earlier in the aging process & preventative effects may begin in our 40s or even earlier. This means that people of all age groups should be paying close attention to their magnesium intake.

The authors also found that the neuroprotective effects of adequate dietary magnesium appear to benefit women more than men. These effects are also more pronounced in post-menopausal than pre-menopausal women, although this could be due to the anti-inflammatory effect of magnesium.

In this study, the subjects filled out a series of surveys on five occasions over a period of 16 months. These responses were then used to calculate daily magnesium intake among participants, based on 200 different foods & with different portion sizes. This research primarily focused on magnesium-rich foods like leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds & whole grains.

Here’s a list of magnesium-rich foods, according to the National Institute of Health.

Magnesium-rich foods from NIH
Magnesium-rich foods (Credit: NIH)

Which magnesium is best for brain?

Magnesium L-threonate is often used for its potential brain benefits & may help manage certain brain disorders like depression & age-related memory loss.

Magnesium L-threonate is the salt formed from mixing magnesium & threonic acid, which is a water-soluble substance derived from the metabolic breakdown of vitamin C.

This form of magnesium shows good absorption. Animal research has proved that it may be the most effective type for increasing magnesium concentrations in brain cells.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body & is involved in a huge number of biological processes. It helps to maintain normal nerve & muscle function, helps to maintain a healthy immune system, keeps a steady heartbeat, and helps bones remain strong.

Magnesium is prescribed for insomnia in the form of magnesium glycinate.

It also helps adjust blood sugar levels. It is involved in energy production & protein synthesis.

FAQ(Frequently asked questions)

What are the symptoms of low magnesium in brain?

Twitches, tremors, and muscle cramps are symptoms of magnesium deficiency. These symptoms are caused by an increased flow of calcium into nerve cells, which overexcites or hyperstimulates the muscle nerves.

Are almonds high in magnesium?

Yes, one ounce of almonds has 80 mg of magnesium which is 20% of recommended daily intake.

Are bananas a good source of magnesium?

Yes, a medium size banana provides 32 mg of magnesium.

Are cashews a good source of magnesium?

Yes, one ounce of cashews provides 74 mg or 18% of Recommended Daily Intake.

What is the main cause of dementia?

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia.

Can stress cause dementia?

Chronic stress may play a role in development or progression of dementia though it does not directly cause dementia.

Does depression cause dementia?

Depression does not directly cause dementia though it may contribute to other risk factors known to increase the chances of developing dementia.

My name is Amanpreet Kaur Samra. M.S. Biochemistry. I'm the founder and writer of this blog. I have been teaching Biochemistry for a good number of years. I started this blog because I have always been very passionate about writing, in particular about Nutrition and Healthy Weight Loss.

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